H.R. 2248 Ending PUSHOUT Act 2021


Rep. McBath, Education and Labor Committee Member, (202) 225-4501
Rep. Allen, Education and Labor Committee Member, 
(202) 225-2823

Good afternoon, my name is [name]. I am a Georgia resident, and I am calling to ask Rep. McBath/Rep. Allen for her/his support for H.R. 2248, the Ending PUSHOUT Act 2021. I am asking that, if she/he has not already signed on, to please sign onto the bill as a co-sponsor and also support calling for a hearing on H.R. 2248 in the Education and Labor Committee.

I support this bill because I believe that all children deserve a quality public education without fear of discriminatory school discipline and practices.  

This bill provides for measures that can help us end the preschool to prison pipeline.

1. H.R. 2248 establishes $2.5 billion in new federal grants to support states and schools that commit to ban unfair and discriminatory school discipline practices and improve school climates; and

2. It calls for transparency and accountability by making data about pushout and other harmful discipline practices publicly available while protecting student privacy.

Thank you for taking my call and for Rep. McBath’s/Rep. Allen’s service to our country. I look forward to hearing from Rep. McBath/Rep. Allen regarding her/his support for H.R. 2248. I can be reached at [phone number].

Rep. Robert C. "Bobby" Scott, Education and Labor Committee Chair, (202) 225-8351

Good afternoon, my name is [name]. I am a US citizen who lives in Georgia, and I am calling to ask Chairman Scott to call a hearing on H.R. 2248, the Ending PUSHOUT Act 2021.

I support this bill because I believe that all children deserve a quality public education without fear of discriminatory school discipline and practices.

This bill provides for measures that can help us end the preschool to prison pipeline.

1. H.R. 2248 establishes $2.5 billion in new federal grants to support states and schools that commit to ban unfair and discriminatory school discipline practices and improve school climates; and

2. It calls for transparency and accountability by making data about pushout and other harmful discipline practices publicly available while protecting student privacy.

Thank you for taking my call and for Rep. Scott’s service to our country. I look forward to hearing about the Chairman’s plans for H.R. 2248. I can be reached at [phone number].